Showing posts with label Cambodia Travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cambodia Travel. Show all posts

Monday, December 23, 2013

Wan Valley Lake

Boeung Kak Lake in Phnom Penh , as the West Lake in Hangzhou. Its distance from the noisy city walking a fine diplomatic line of feverish or contaminated city or a secluded retreat for both locals and travelers to the lake and sit and watch the sunrise and sunset, looking an antidote .
Boeung Kak Lake , the east shore of Lake Hotels oriented , although housing prices is more expensive, if the funds are not too nervous or recommend a restaurant dinner - at least in the lake, drink a glass of fresh juices , the rare moments of leisure travel in Cambodia.
Stay around Boeung Kak lake with its environment and an excellent hotel, Hotels with wooden posts in the water, they , like Thailand Ko Pha -Ngan ( pagandao ) .
Floating island ( floating island ): U.S. $ 5-10 / . Lakeview rooms on the upper floors , you can easily enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, where the terrace is in the air in the city, there is dual-layer bars , can drink to watch the sunset.
Guest House II : U.S. $ 10-15/commentaires Simon . Whole villa as a giant wedding cake, room Here is the most fashionable throughout the Boeung Kak Lake , including satellite TV and hot water showers .


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ta Som

General Ta Som Temple also known as the Temple of Ta Som is the main location of Raider.

The temple is relatively small, the temple once lived around a large number of monks, still can see traces of where they lived. Engraved on the walls of a large number of Ta Som Temple is kept in better condition, the beautiful goddess pose, facial expression is also very rich.

Is the final touch to the temple tower is full, the whole place was completely covered by a tree root, door integrated with trees and behind the door of the stupa with four faces there thousands of years old temple . Tower, out the door, the tower of the Temple of Ta Som ended.


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Prasat Kravan

Prasat Kravan was one of Angkor, Cambodia India Temple teach modern name "Sanctuary cardamom " in srah srang ( Srah Srang ) south . Cardamom temple built in 921 , the nineteenth century, rebuilt by the French . Wall reliefs main tower , representing the mythology of India Vishnu riding great golden-winged bird ( Garuda ) , bas-reliefs Wall West Tower wife representing Vishnu God of auspicious days .

Temple of Angkor Wat cardamom (Angkor Wat ) and Cartagena del pedicle with plate ( Banteay Kdei ) srah srang ( Srah Srang ) between the edge of the road.

architectural features
1 . Distinctive red - brick low relief ( bas-reliefs )
2 . Five unique brick tower along north-south lines doubled
3 . Monogram added later repairing a brick with the symbol "CA" abbreviation for "Conservation Angkor ".

Places to look
Relief : a huge statue of Vishnu and lakeshimi woman ; become dwarf and religious history embossed Lord Vishnu in the fight to save the world .

When you go into a loop counterclockwise Prasat Kravan , both to avoid a large number of people , the light is also suitable for taking pictures
